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Furniture Martin Kaiserslautern

Biodynamic light in the furniture store

Lighting design

Tobias Link lighting design, Saarbrücken

Electrical installation

Wahlen-Schabbach electrical installation


Tom Gundelwein (MA), Saarbrücken

Biodynamic light in the furniture store

With eight furniture stores, Möbel Martin is the largest furniture retail company in south-west Germany. A complete conversion was planned for the branch in Kaiserslautern, which opened in 2000, which included the entire lighting of the building.

The existing HIT lights were to be replaced efficiently and cost-effectively. To realize the lighting concept, the lighting planner Tobias Link designed a special LED light. It forms the basis for a flexible modular system that consists of just three main components: a light, two reflectors and several bracket variants for attachment to the ceiling. The special light optically follows the linear structure of standard grid ceilings and can also be installed. It now replaces more than 16 different lamp models that were previously in use and individually illuminates the different exhibition areas on 30,000 m². Compared to the old stock, the energy savings through high-performance LEDs are 55%. The outstanding feature of this lighting concept is the daylight-dynamic control using Tunable White. Möbel Martin in Kaiserslautern is thus setting a new standard as a furniture store in that the lighting is based on the natural course of daylight in the sense of Human Centric Lighting (HCL). The biologically effective light supports the human inner clock and thus noticeably increases the well-being and length of time customers spend in the furniture store.

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